Pixelcapture for FVWM

Pixel Capture is a little GUI written in Tcl/Tk that works with some Fvwm functions to allow you to select colors from your screen wallpaper and use them for your window titlebars. It relies on a little *nix program called "grabc" to report the values of the colors.

Suppose you're running FVWM and you've installed FvwmDecorDemos into your configuration. You load a random backdrop and this purplish one comes up.1 It looks like a double-matted artwork, and you think those two mat colors might make good active and inactive titlebar colors for the window manager.2 So you navigate to wherever you put the Decors menu and choose one of the "U-Pick" decors.
Background wallpaper which
                itself has borders, like a double-matted, framed
                picture The "Decors" menu
                with the "U-Pick" entries at the top

The Pixel Capture Tool comes up. You click the "Pick" button for the Active Title, move the cursor to a spot inside the area of the background that has that color, and click. Then you do the same for the inactive color.

Active color being chosenInactive color being chosen

Then you press "Apply" and the titlebars are set to the chosen colors. The hexadecimal values of the colors are shown in entry boxes, so you can copy and paste. You'll be able to see if your chosen colors have enough contrast for the text to be easily visible. You may have to try a few times. It's surprising how different colors can look in a gestalt like a wallpaper vs on a titlebar. Remember "the Dress," which was white and gold, or maybe blue and black? When you're satisfied, dismiss the GUI by pressing "Quit."

Full screen, with
                windows having the new border colors

1 Apologies to the artist, who called themself Wizzle. The designs aren't online anymore.

2 In fact, that's EXACTLY how I came to write the tool.